There can be found books on literature, culture, linguistic, religion, etc. in Russian, Belorussian, Ukrainian, Serbian, Slovakian, Macedonian. There are also available books published by Slavic national minorities in Poland.

Slavic Culture Centre with its Bookstore is also very helpful for students as well as professors. Promoting the publications involves organizing soirées with writers, historians, editors from various Slavic countries.
A special group of publications presented in the Centre are books on Orthodox church published in various languages by various publishing houses.
The Centre is also a reading room with a wide choice of Slavic press. There are available titles from various Slavic countries as well as papers published by Slavic minorities living in Poland.
There can be ordered books in Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian on-line at Slavica Bookstore website


15 Gagarina St

Contact details:
tel. (022) 851 39 66