Foundation for Intercultural Education (Fundacja Edukacji Międzykulturowej) was founded to promote the knowledge about cultural and social heritage of various ethnic and national groups living both in Poland and abroad. The main aim of the Fundation is to spur one's own culture and culture of other societies.
Among the projects of the Foundation are:
* focused on education - dedicated for children and youth, explaining cultural diversity of the world as well as presenting Polish culture and tradition
* focused on global development, realised mainly in Georgia, aiming for intercultural experience and exchange.

Contact details:
tel: 22 424 02 08
fax: 22 435 75 83
mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fundacja Edukacji Międzykulturowej
Foundation for Intercultural Education
7 Łazienkowska St, room 102
00-449 Warsaw

Adres siedziby Fundacji:
59 Zwycięzców St. room 9
03-937 Warszawa