Support development and promotion of the multiculturalism in Wrasaw!

The easiest way to do it is transferring 1% of your tax for activities realised by Continent Warsaw - Warsaw of Many Cultures (Kontynent Warszawa - Warszawa Wielu Kultur) portal. In 2011 we are going to continue reorganising the portal adding new sections, open for everyone: foreigners and Poles, authors and readers.
We will search for the new information for you - about artists, institutions, events, we will improve present sections of the portal.
We will invite you for taking part in creating the portal more intensively.

The donations will be also used for organising by the portal team the fifth edition of Multicultural Warsaw Street Party. We hope that this year edition will be at least as successful as four previous ones were.

We expect to manage to organize for you also new events promoting various cultures and artists presenting their cultures.
We also plan to publish another 'Kontynent Warszawa' (Continent Warsaw) monthlies presenting groups of various cultural descent living in Warsaw.

You can read more about our activities and projects in the section Continent: Action! (Kontynent: Akcja!)

How to donate Continent Warsaw - Warsaw of Many Cultures with 1% of the tax?



In the field 'Nazwa OPP' write: Fundacja Inna Przestrzeń

(because Continent Warsaw programme is run within the frame of Fundacja Inna Przestrzeń/The Other Space Foundation)

In the field 'Numer KRS' write: 0000257224


In the field 'Cel szczegółowy 1%' write: KONTYNENT WARSZAWA

(if the field is left not specified the money will be used for general activities undertaken by the Foundation).



In the field 'Wnioskowana kwota' write the amount of the tax to be donated to Continent Warsaw - remember it must be 1% of your tax (PIT 28 - the field 131, PIT 36 - the field 307, PIT 37 - the field 126)


The form must be delivered (in person or by regular post) to the Tax Office. No other documents regarding your donation required - the 1% will be transferred by the Tax Office by themselves.

Send the information to your friends!

We will be very grateful for all the 1% donations for the development of Continent Warsaw programme!