Welcome to the vernissage of a one-day exhibition of works created by artists representing various cultures who are currently connected with Warsaw. The exhibition will be accompanied by the premiere of the second edition of a free of charge album “Warsaw” and a conference which will enable the participants to meet artists involved in the project, to see their works and to get a copy of the album. Schedule also includes multicultural concert and snacks. The project is a continuation and development of the Warsaw Multicultural Plein-Air, started in 2009. Warsaw Multicultural Studio 2012
vernissage / conference / meeting
May, 10 (Thursday), 6:00 p.m.

Traffic Club
ul. Bracka 25
3rd floor


The activity by Continent Warsaw implemented within the framework of 'The Pilot Project of Warsaw Multicultural Centre' managed by The Other Space Foundation. The project is co-financed by European Fund for Integration of Third Country Nationals (EFI) and the state budget.