SalsHall Ortodox is the only one group of artists in Poland which comprehensively and carefully promotes folklore of so many regions of the world - West Africa countries, Jamaica, Brazil and Cuba.
One of the current SHO projects is the Afro Show programme prepared by an African, an excellent dancer and choreographer Andy Camar, who has been living in Poland for two years and is a dance instructor of Afro Dance. In Gwinea, where he comes from, he was a reputable pedagogue and art director of Sourakhata ballet. The group performances in traditional Africal repertoir, consisted of vocal, Afro Dance and playing drums, under his leadership. It also often performances with invited guests, among them: Buba Kuyateh from Gambia, Baba Bangoura or Naba Camara from Gwinea.

Andy Camara - dundun
Ale Camara - dance, dundun
Anika Kamińska - dance, dundun
Zbyszek Iwański - dundun

tel.: 509 361 204
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