The Society was established in 1989 on the initiative of the citizents of Białystok and Warsaw. Since 2004, the Society has had the status of a non-profit organization. Its aim is to deliver a comprehensive help for the Poles in Belarus and in Lithuania, mainly in the resurgence of the knowledge of Polish language, in the development of education and culture, in the rebuilding of the national identity and also in the material help. Its overriding aim however, is to support Polish education at the Borderlands.
Currently, the Society takes care of two schools in Belarus, and of nine schools and four kindergartens in Lithuania.
The schools in Belarus (in Grodno and in Wolkowysk) educate a total of 500 pupils from the first grade of primary school till the final class of secondary school. The schools had already had almost 400 graduates who then finished higher education in Poland, Austria, Italy or the USA. Polish kindergartens in Lithuania (in Kowalczuki, Mościszki and in Rukojnie) provide care for more than 200 kids in the ages form 1.5 till 6. The schools in Lithuania (in Bezdany, Kamionka, Kowalczuki, Landwarów, Rakańce, Rukojnie, Stare Sioło, Szumsko and in Taboryszki) educate around 1500 pupils, form kindergartens till the final class of secondary school.

Warszawskie Towarzystw Przyjaciół Wilna i Grodna
Krakowskie Przedmieście 64 p. 4,
00-322 Warszawa 

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