Proxenia or Association for Integration and Protection of Foreigners. The Association takes part in the migration politics, promotes efective patterns of the integration of foreigners, supports initiatives and processes of organising and self-organising by imigrant communities in Polanad what helps to integrate them with the society. The Association also provides the information regarding immigration politics.
The Association is a non-governmental organisation dealing with intenational migrations and exploring the topic on every level.

Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Integracji i Ochrony Cudzoziemnców Proxenia
Proxenia Association for Integration and Protection of Foreigners
Spiska Str. 4a lok. 66
02-302 Warszawa

Contact details:
tel. 608 298 622, 603 958 322
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.