DIALOG Academic Publishing House has published books on African and Asian languages, cultures, traditions, religions, history and politics since 1992. To put it in a nutshell: it leads a dialogue with the Middle East. Authors publishing at DIALOG's are highly acclaimed specialists in their fields. Among the publications are also books used as academic course books. A lot of books comment on social and political subjects including Poland, Europe and the world. DIALOG also releases interpretations of the extraordinarily rich literature of the Orient such as the classical Sanskrit poetry as well as the contemporary Chinese poetry and novels from the North Africa.
DIALOG has also released the contemporary European poetry including the Russian, Finnish, French or Swedish one.

Popular book series:

  • The History of The Orient
  • Languages of Asia and Afica
  • Everyday Life in Oriental Cities
  • Journeys - Countries - People
  • Linguistics
  • Treasures of The Orient
  • Theatre of The Orient
  • Contemporary Africa and Asia
  • To Be a Woman

contact details:

 Tel./faks 22 6208703
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DIALOGUE Publishing House





Wydawnictwo Akademickie DIALOG
3/218 Bagno St
00-112 Warsaw
