The Department is a part of Public Affairs Office. It undertakes activities to deepen mutual understanding and cooperation between Poland and the USA - by guarantying the information flow as well as providing educational or technical programmes. The Department is focused on three main topics:
  • Cooperation with Polish universities and academic teachers; sponsoring exchange programmes for Polish scientists by Fulbright programme; coorganisation of conferences.
  • Cooperation with Polish cultural institutions.
  • Organisation of programmes allowing Polish specialists to cooperate with American ones.

Sekcja Kulturalna Ambasady USA - Cultural Attaché
Department for Culture in Embassy of USA
U.S. Embassy Warsaw
29 / 31 Ujazdowskie Ave
00- 540 Warsaw

Contact details:
  • tel.: (022) 504 20 00
  • fax: (022) 504 23 64
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.