Discover much richer, yet unknown, multicultural and ethnically varied Warsaw.
Warsaw is a lively city, open for cultural events and inviting to derive from its rich offer.
Everybody willing to join the team is invited as well as every organization to cooperate with. We are open for people interested in being our news editors and correspondents, in promoting multiculturalism and various cultures and also in active organizing cultural events.
There are still so many places, areas, events which are left unknown and undiscovered for the audience. Works by many interesting and unusual artists living in Warsaw and coming from various cultural regions of the world are also still left unknown.
Do you know something we don't know about? Share the news with us! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Everyone can become our News Editor!
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Continent Warsaw is not responsible for any changes in the programme of published events or announcements. Texts signed by their authors might not reflect opinions held by the the team of the portal
Sending information, pictures and graphics to the editorial team of the portal Continent Warsaw – Warsaw of Many Cultures is tantamount to expressing consent of its author or owner (organizer of an event, organization, shop, restaurant, artist, etc.) to be used free of charge by the Foundation Other Space which includes posting them at,, or in other publications for promotional purposes regarding a given event, artist, place or organization. Authors of texts, pictures or graphics should be given.
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The editorial team reserves the right to remove any information, graphic or picture if any doubt regarding the copyrights infringement arises.
We don’t publish information not related to the portal’s subject – the multiculturalism.
The editorial team bears no responsibility for changes in event schedules and in contents of published announcements. Texts signed by their authors do not have to reflect the editorial team’s views. The articles in the feature section retain the original style of their authors.
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PR Coordinator
Forum administrator
Editor (among others: contests and portal patronages)
A journalist and a graduate of Cultural Studies at the University of Warsaw as well as a PhD student of Polish Academy of Sciences. She is a founder of the Azerbaijani Cultural and Information Centre in Poland (2001) and a President of the Caucasian House in Poland.
„There is nothing impossible in the world! Agreement between the Caucasian nations is an indispensable need for all the citizens of this region. The Caucasian House is a forgotten past, a peaceful future and a working present. It is worth to dedicate oneself to it!”
Ifi Ude (Diana Ifeoma Ude) was born in 1986 in Enugu in Nigeria in the Ibo tribe. At the age of 3 she came to Poland (her mother’s homeland) and it changed her life forever.
A social activist, member of the Jewish community in Warsaw.
She was born and raised in Moscow, in a family of artistic traditions – her grandpa Mikołaj Sokołow and her father Michał Sokołow were both painters. Since 1986 she has lived and worked in Warsaw. She works with ceramics, watercolour, gouache and easel painting. Her inspirations are among other things the sources of Slavic culture. She is a member of the Polish Utility Art Association.
A man of millions of fleeting fascinations. Connoisseur of beauty, both classic and eclectic. Clear sighted observer, with a constant hunger for the world. He studies Finnish philology and Eastern European philology. Loves the mornings in Estonia and the evenings in Ukraine. A tea lover. An anxious and uncontrollable soul. A man of mountains. An enthusiast of spontaneous activities and surprises. He keeps a travelling blog:
He graduated from the Szczecin University of Technology: the Ship Institute in Ship building. For the last ten years he has lived in Warsaw and run his own business activity. In his free time he goes in for photography and journalism. He is the editor of Dan Chim Viet.
Copyright © 2006-2025 - Fundacja Inna Przestrzeń | Continent Warsaw
The website was created thanks to the financial support of Warsaw Municipality Office | Projekt: Michał Warda