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Source: Materiały promocyjne
 Experimental Ukrainian Theatre is a group established in 2012. It is made up of young people, mostly of Ukrainian origins, who live, study and work in Warsaw. The main aims of the theatre are: the integration of Ukrainians and Poles who live in Warsaw, combating the stereotypes that exist in the society and are related to immigrants, widely understood closeness of cultures. Apart from that, Experimental Ukrainian Theatre aims at promoting and spreading the knowledge of Ukrainian culture as well as showing its main elements in an interesting, attractive and extraordinary way.
Performances are given mostly in Ukrainian and Polish. Among the authors of the perfomrances are mainly writers and Ukrainian playwrights but most of the plays are the Theatre's own projects, based on Ukrainian literature. The plays are created with a view to show the Ukrainian culture and tradition in their various aspects and to familiarise Poles with the modern Ukraine. This is done in order to bring the two cultures together and especially in order to show thier similarities and variety.



  • Ukrainian
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