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Author: Klick&Drum
Source: materiały własne Klick&Drum
Drums music school KLICK&DRUM is the first school of this kind in Poland - it has been constantly working in Warsaw since 1999. It offers a wide wariety of workships for people on different levels.

Hundreds of drummers has started their love affair with drums exactly there. Hundreds of drummers met together with drums and during other workshops.
KLICK&DRUM offers instrument workshops on different leveles (conga, djembe, darbuka and many others). What's interesting, aside from the standard offer, which is updated all the time, it offers on-line training courses.

phone 608 670 725
e-mail klick@klick.com.pl

Bemowskie Centrum Kultury ART.BEM
201 Górczewska Street, entry from Konarskiego Street, room 128, first floor


Source of information: www.klick.com.pl
  • Multicultural
  • Others
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