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The idea of ​​the Sahaja Yoga (pronounced: Sahaja Yoga) Cultural Association is to promotion of spontaneous method of meditation created by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the implementation methods of dealing with stress and addictions, based on the basis of Sahaja Yoga meditation, to promotion of Indian culture and activities for tolerance and acceptance of racial, cultural and ideological diversity. Meditations:
  • Mondays 19.00 Traktorzystów Street 14, ARSUS Cultural Centre (URSUS)
  • Tuesdays 12:00 Dereniowa Street 6, Imielin Community Centre (URSYNÓW)
  • Tuesdays 18.00 Waryński Street 12,  Student's movement Centre, Riviera Student's House, room A102 (right next to the Metro Politechnika) (DOWNTOWN)
  • Wednesday 18.00 Tarczyńska Stree 9, Club "Microclimate" (OCHOTA)
  • Thursdays 19.15 Wysocki Street 11, Świt Community Centre, fireplace room (BRÓDNO)

Email: warszawa@sahajayoga.pl

Source of information: www.sahajayoga.pl
  • Indian
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