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Author: Przedszkole Niepubliczne Trzy Języki nr 248
Source: materiały własne przedszkola
The teachers working in the kindergarten are only native English, Spanish or Polish speakers. They come from different countries and continents, thus, besides teaching languages, they also share their culture and the respect for difference and individuality.

The languages are not mixed. Throughout the first half of the day, the teachers use only one language (their native one). In the afternoon, the teachers and the languages change. There is one education programme for all three languages.
The topics of the classes recur, but for each language they are implemented in a different way. It guarantees that the classes are interesting and that each language is developed on an even level.

amjup2000@yahoo.com +48503072119 (Polish, Spanish, English, French, Italian)
Private Kindergarten "Trzy Języki nr 248"

Karowa 14/16 St, lok 6 i 2
00-324 Warszawa


Source of information: www.3jezyki.pl
  • West European
  • Dance or Language Courses
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