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Source: www.etnoliga.pl

Unfortunately, most representatives of ethnic minorities are excluded from sport because of the discrimination incidents which happen during sport events and around them. This needs to be changed, especially with the upcoming Europe Championship in 2012 hosted by Poland and Ukraine. Ethnoleague not only acts against racism but also against discrimination due to different sex or sexual orientation.

In Ethnoleague all play together. Diversity inside teams is extremely important as each team should have at least 8 players, 2 of them should be women and at least two nationalities should be represented so that it’s not only about playing football but also about getting to know cultures of people you play with.

Ethnoleague plays on each Sunday at 15.00 on the “Orlik” sports field on ul. Przy Bażantarni 3 (underground station Natolin). We already have players from Poland, Iraq, Palestine and Tunisia. Now what we need are supporters! We invite all residents of Warsaw to come and root for our players. Emotions are guaranteed!

More info about games and the project Ethnoleague at: www.etnoliga.org and at www.facebook.com/etnoliga.

Source of information: www.etnoliga.org
  • Multicultural
  • Organizations
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