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Free Belarus Initiative is an organization, which supports Belarusian society and tries to defend human rights in Belarus. The organization exists since 2006.


Among the activities of the Initiative are:

  • supporting Belarusian immigrants in Poland
  • direct support for the pro-democratic movements in Belarus,
  • motivating Poles as well as other nationals to support the Belarussians in their struggle for democracy and Human Rights,
  • delivering up-to-date information about the political repression in Belarus, support campaigns for the democratic opposition, a free press, and the free flow of information from the country,
  • organising concerts 'Solidarity with Belarus' (Solidarni z Białorusią).

Free Belarus Initiative
Warecka 4/6



Source of information: www.wolnabialorus.pl
  • Belarusian
  • Organizations
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