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 Belarusian Students Association is a social organization from Bialystok. For more than 30 years it has been involved in the activities of the Belarusian academia in Poland. It operates mainly within the culture, as well as in education and tourism. The Association takes numerous initiatives and arranges cultural events, such as:
- "Kupalla"
- Belarusian Youth tournament, together with Belarusian secondary schools in Bielsko Podlaskie and Hajnowka, and ZMB,
- Belarusian Folk University
- hikes: "Baćkauszczyzna", "Padarożża", "Razwitannie"
- Youn Belarus Music Festival "Basowiszcza" in Gródek (since 1990).

Belarusian Students Association was extablished for the Belarusian national and athnical minority in Poland and for the regional language.

Belarusian Students Association
Zamenhofa 27
15-959 Białystok 


Source of information: materiały redakcji
  • East European
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