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Source: Archiwum prywatne
Ursula Werszko, brought up in Białowieża forest (Puszcza Białowieska), has been living in Warsaw for 10 years. She was educated by multicultural mystical Podlasie. She graduated from the department of architecture at Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (2005-2011) and Belarusian Philology at Warsaw University (2004-2009). She explored her two passions, both to design and Eastern culture, during the Ethno-project, Polish-Belarusian ethno inspitrations in the design of young people (2011). On everyday basis, she a designer of flats, graphics, commercial stalls; she is interested in revitalisation of demaged buildings, which the best example is her diploma paper on "Revitalisation of train station from the XIX century in Aleksandrów Kujawski." She has been working in Złote Tarasy at exhibition stalls, for In Style magazine, Dobre Rady magazine. Currently, she is focused on projects of interiors of private investors.

Source of information: http://urszulawerszko.wix.com/design
  • Belarusian
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