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Author: photo by herbertorlikowski.com
Source: Materiały własne artysty
Martin Imrich, born in 1986, has been studying painting in Academy of Arts in Banska Bystrzyca in Slovakia (where he comes from). In 2007-2010 he studied on Faculty of Painting in the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (in 2009-2010 as part of Erasmus program). He graduated with rector's honourable mention under supervision of professour Krzysztof Wachowia. Now he's an assistent in Warsaw Academy.
His graduation work included large-format oil paintings referring to tradition of academic art from XIX century.
Martin is inspired by everyday situations, which can be seen in his thoughts, views and artistic work. 
We could see his works on exhibition Coming Out - the best of diplomas from Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. In a catologue to the exhibition the artist shows his reflections on painting, he says that "without some of my experience, my paintng wouldn't look like now. I think that nothing happens without a reason, even situations apparently unfavourable for me after some time seems to be valuable.
I paint nature and models, using a method of gold division. Sometimes more important is the process of painting then the painting itself (...). I treat it as one of my biggest exsitential needs". 


tel: 504640112

Source of information: http://martinimrich.carbonmade.com/
  • Slovakian
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