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Painter, creator of objects and installations. Born in 1935 in Tokyo.
In the years 1953-1958 he studied at the Musashino Academy of Fine Arts, Tokyo (graduated in 1958) in the studio of professors Saburo Aso and Choonan (Takeo) Yamaguchi. In 1959 after arriving in Poland he took up studies at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts (graduated in 1966) in the studio of professor Artur Nacht-Samborski. Winner of the C. K. Norwid Art Critics Award (1975). Since 1967, he cooperates with the Foksal Gallery in Warsaw. He lives and works in Warsaw. "My work in its form is similar to the work of an urbanist. Spacing, weight, texture and background surface are important to me in the same way - only the goal itself is opposite to the one that urban planning has. I do not mean to build something new, but to find and preserve things that we tend to forget, and the world from which we move farther away. I would like to find a form to draw them all into actual presence".These words spoken by the artist in 1967, describe most accurately the essence of his art, as in during all the years of his artistic work he constantly tries to implement them. In its conciseness and brevity, the characteristic form of Koji Kamoji's work recalls haiku poetry, where poets capture the feeling of transience.

Source of information: www.kontynent.waw.pl/ludziezkontynentu/japonska/
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