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Musical duet whose members are Gamis Ibadullayev, drummer, painter and cinematographer from Azerbaijan, and Wojciech Kwapisiński, a guitarist of Warsaw ethno-jazz Gamera who plays on tar - Azeri folk instrument. Music of the duet sticks to ethnic and experimental modern music.

The biggest inspiration for the duet's music is Mugam - a musical form originated from Azeri folk muisc, in which close compositions consist of numerous parta are processed during improvisation, and the final version of the song, both in terms of sound and emotions which are inseparable music composition, depends on place, time and everyhing which surrounds the piece. Other impotant traditions for the project's musicians - jazz and contemporary improvisaion music.

Like in nature, where despite initial unity and apparent repeatibility dominates variability, liquidity, elusiveness, on the basis of some primitiveness and several initial themes - everything can happen in music of the project.

The band relesed first album this year - "Bes" (in Azeri it means "five"), which is under patronage of Kontynent Warszawa.

Source of information: http://kontynent-warszawa.pl
  • Azeri
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