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Source: Fundaja dla Somalii
A Somalian, who has lived in Poland for 20 years. He initiated the actions for the benefit of a children’s home in Godenlabe and the renovation of hospital in Adado in Central Somalia. He is the President of the Foundation for Somalia.
He is a historian and a graduate of the Omdurman University in Sudan in history and civilization. He is fluent in Arabic, English, Polish, Somalian and Swahili. He worked as a lecturer in the college in Yemen, in the Institute for Social Studies. In 2007 he set up the Foundation for Somalia and became its vice-president. In October 2010 he became the President of the foundation. He deals with integration programmes, coordination of integration, educational and humanitarian projects in both Poland and Somalia.


Source of information: fundacjadlasomalii.home.pl
  • Somali
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