Stewart Cogle is a Britinh painter who studied fine arts and graduated from University St. Andrews in Scotland. He has lived and worked in Poland since 2004. Among the exhibitions he participated in were: 'This way up' and multicultural project 'Translations/Tłumaczenia'.
Fireworks, 100cm x 100 cm, acrylic on canvas, Author: Daria Zych, Source:
Ragged Wood, 80 cm x 120 cm, mix media , Author: Daria Zych, Source:
Iwona, 100 cm x 100 cm, acrylic on canvas, Author: Daria Zych, Source:
PkiN red, 30 cm x 30 cm, acrylic on canvas, Author: Daria Zych, Source:
Kolumna Zygmunta, 30 cm x 30 cm, acrylic on canvas, Author: Daria Zych, Source: