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Author: Ilka Zofia Neumann
The artist was born in 1968 in Warsaw, Poland.

In 1986-1991 she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw at the Faculty of Graphics under the direction of Professor Artymowski. Next she studied in Cracow at the Post-Graduated School of Painting and also in Hamburg, Germany, at Sommerakademie (1994).

She has been a member of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers of Warsaw Region since 2001.

Now she lives in Berlin and Warsaw.


1986: Jagiellonski University, Cracow, Poland
1989: Polonia-Institut, Warsaw, Poland
1991: The Gallery of Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw, Poland
1993: Lichtenberger Gallery, Germany
1997: Goetheinstitut, Thessaloniki, Greece
1997: Polonia-Institut, Warsaw, Poland
1998: Czenstochowa Gallery, Jurajski Jesien Open-Air, Poland
2000: Werder Gallery, Brandenburg, Germany
2002: Gravinova 2002, Ostrobothinan Museum Vaasa, Finland
2003/04: Modern Polish Art, Catania/Brontè, France

contact details:

llka Zofia Neumann

Herthaplatz 1a

13156 Berlin



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