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Author: Adrian Grycuk
Source: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trakt_Pami%C4%99ci_M%C4%99cze%C5%84stwa_i_Walki_%C5%BByd%C3%B3w_w_Warszawie
An ensemble of monuments distributed in the Warsaw district of Muranów, commemorating the people and events associated with the fate of the Jews during World War II. 

An ensemble of monuments distributed in the Warsaw district of Muranów, commemorating the people and events associated with the fate of the Jews during World War II.


The route stars with the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes. The monument is a commemoration of the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. It was inaugurated in April 1948, at the corner of the present Zamenhofa and Anielewicza street. The monuments known also under the name "Rapaport's Monument" (derived from its author's name - Natan Rapaport) is composed of two parts: the western part (adjacent to which the Museum of the History of the Polish Jews "Polin" now stands) is titled "the Fight" and depicts a group of Jewish insurgents with two menorahs and the sign: " The Jewish nation to its combatants and martyrs". The eastern part is called:   "March to annihilation" and depicts the suffering of the Jews marching to their death in death camps.

The route then leads through Zamenhofa street. There we will find small stone monuments and signs dedicated to the memory of different persons, known from the history of the Warsaw Ghetto (among others: Mordechaj Anielewicz, and Janusz Korczak) as well as organizations, important dates and events.

At the level of nr 1 Miła street the mound of Anielewicz can be found - ruins of the bunker in which the commanders of the Jewish Combat Organization were hiding (and died) during the Jewish Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto. The bunker which turned into a mass tomb, no longer exists - in 1946 a mound was formed in its place, a place of memory was created in its surroundings.

The route leads along the same way, along which Jews were lead to the so called “Umschlagplatz". From here they were taken to the camp in Treblinka. The route ends where Umschlagplatz used to be (where a commemorative monuments now stands) .

For more info: Wikipedia.

Author: Daniel Slomka

Source of information: www.kontynent.waw.pl
  • Jewish
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