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Author: fot. Julita Mieczkowska
Source: www.kontynent-warszawa.pl

Church serves as the chapel of the Orthodox Seminary in Warsaw, is also serves as the parish of the Introduction to the Temple of the Most Holy Mother of God.

The establishment of the Orthodox Church at ul. Paryska in the Warsaw district of Saska Kępa is closely related to the interwar period and the life of the Russians who could not live in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for political reasons after the fall of the Russian Empire. Many of them lived after the war in Poland, and more specifically in Warsaw, and they contributed to the rise of the Orthodox church.

The church was consecrated in 1936. The building was adapted in 1951 for the needs of the school because the Orthodox Seminary was located there. The surface of the temple was reduced significantly and part of the building was rebuilt for lecture halls.

In the temple there are many sacred objects of worship such as the icon and the relics of Saint Job of Pochayiv and many icons donated by the heads of the Orthodox churches.

Cerkiew pod wezwaniem Wprowadzenia do Świątyni Przenajświętszej Bogurodzicy (Orthodox Church of the Introduction to the Temple of the Most Holy Mother of God)
ul. Paryska 27


Source of information: www.kontynent.waw.pl
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