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Source: www.indigo.info.pl

Pieces of Indian furniture are true works of art. They are one of a kind and their popularity never fades. Thanks to various pattern and colours they arouse interest and amaze even the most demanding buyers. The solidity of production is a guarantee that they will be fully functional and comfortable in use for many years.

Indigo stores offer the wide variety of furniture of oriental origin – straight from the Indian Rajasthan.

The chain of Indigo stores is where you need to go to find both antiques and modern furniture. Their offer also includes large selection of house accessories and traditional daily necessities – all of them straight from India.

Stores addresses:

Al. Krakowska 37 (Janki)
+48 605 597 123
+48 697 077 287
+48 (22) 715 65 35

ul. Puławska 326
+48 500 672 710

ul. Krakowiaków 16
+48 500 672 710

Indigo na FB

Source of information: www.indigo.info.pl
  • Indian
  • Shops, Stores, Bookstores
  • Galleries
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