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The name of this restaurant comes from the most popular Nepalese mountain chain, rising majestically over the Western Nepal. The restaurant has been created in order to show the beauty and unique atmosphere of this place. Pure waters and untouched landscapes are an inspiration for delicacies that await you here.
The cuisine is a mixture of India, Nepal, Tibet and Thailand. The cultural diversity of Nepal brings a wide variety of cuisines, depending on ethnic minorities and the location of a given area. That's why the Himalayas food comprises a range of flavours and aromas: starting with Thali - a basic Nepalese dish, to finish with the favourite dumplings from Newars in the Katmandu-Momo Valley.

Annapurna Restaurant
Twarda St. 56



Source of information: www.annapurnarestauracja.pl
  • East Asian
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