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The owners are two Dutchmen - Mervil Castricum and Redbad Klijnstra. The name of the café - Lente - in Dutch signifies 'spring'. So it comes as no surprise that there's a strong relation between the name and the fact the place was opened in May, 2007 as well as there are available sandwiches with Oud Amsterdam cheese and Suriname Cola. There can be also felt some perfect Dutch atmosphere thanks to the interior inspired by characteristic Amsterdam 'brown cafés' in Lente.
There can be also heard Dutch language from time to time as there are some 300 Dutch families in Warsaw who have become one of the guests of the cosy café.

But Lente is not only a Dutch place in Warsaw. In Latin 'lente' is 'slowly, with no hurry'. Thanks to being localized on Kubusia Puchatka Street, Lente is a calm and quiet place. One can perfectly rest listening to the calm music and drinking delicious Pellini coffee. There is also wireless Internet - just for people keen on working in cafés.

Opening hours:

  • Monday - Friday: 9.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m.
  • Saturday - Sunday: 11.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m.

Contact details:


Lente Café
8 Kubusia Puchatka St


Source of information: http://www.i-wiatraki.pl/
  • Dutch
  • Restaurants
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