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Author: fot. A.Czyżewska
Source: Materiały organizatora
Witold Dynowski 'Pracownia Etnograficzna' Association ('Ethnographic Study' Association) is a non-governmental organization focusing primarily ethnographers and cultural anthropologists. Established in 2006 in Warsaw, at the initiative of graduates and students of the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Warsaw. Members of the Association are researching and popularizing traditional and modern culture. They ask about identity.
SPE are ethnographers, who are willing to want.
Pracownia Etnograficzna performs research, documentation, education and dissemination. Together with three other organizations since 2010, we create an open space for culture in Warsaw - Laboratory of High Peace, awarded in the competition S3KTOR.

„Pracownia Etnograficzna" Association
Pracownia Duży Pokój
Warecka Street 4/6
00-040 Warsaw
Tel: 22 621 10 30
For more information about our projects, including the online ones, can be found here:
www.etnograficzna.pl / lab-ethnographic.
www.facebook.com / StowarzyszeniePracowniaEtnograficzna

Source of information: www.etnograficzna.pl
  • Multicultural
  • Organizations
  • Centres of Culture
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