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There is available the library and reading room as well as a replica of a traditional chamber in Japanese style and display cabinets presenting exhibits presenting Japanese culture. The library involves not only books, mangas, CDs or DVDs, but there's also available Japanese satellite TV.
The Department is open from Monday to Fridaym, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, except for Polish and Japanese holidays.

Contact details:
tel. 22 584 73 00
fax 22 584 73 01
e-mail: info-cul@emb-japan.pl

Wydział Informacji i Kultury Ambasady Japonii
Department of Information and Culture of the Embassy of Japan
51 Ujazdowskie Ave


Source of information: www.pl.emb-japan.go.jp/culture.htm
  • Japanese
  • Embassies
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