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Africa needs to be notices, learnt and it must be allowed to speak to be audible. The Foundation (in Polish: Fundacja 'Usłyszeć Afrykę') provides information not only about problems of the continent but also about a great potential in it - magnificent people, extremly rich culture, exotism. The Foundation stresses what is often forgotten while talking about Africa.
In other words, the Foundation deals with development education, aiming to raise the level of awareness and extending the knowledge on it within Polish society.

The definition of development education according to DEEEP (Development Education Exchange in Europe Project):
Development education is an active learning process, founded on values of solidarity, equality, inclusion and co-operation. It enables people to move from basic awareness of international development priorities and sustainable human development, through understanding of the causes and effects of global issues to personal involvement and informed actions. Development education fosters the full participation of all citizens in world-wide poverty eradication, and the fight against exclusion. It seeks to influence more just and sustainable economic, social, environmental, human rights based national and international policies.

Fundacja Usłyszeć Afrykę

To Hear Africa Foundation
12 Lindleya St.
tel. 728 184 016

e-mail: office@uslyszecafryke.org  
Adres korespondencyjny:
ul. Kopernika 13 lok. 95
05-800 Pruszków 

Source of information: www.uslyszecafryke.org
  • African
  • Organizations
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