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Source: Materiały Redakcji
CSPA (in Polish: Centrum Studiów Polska-Azja) is a leading Polish think-tank focused on Far East Asia. the team involves experts dealing with issues related to various Asian countries whose knowledge is based on long-term experience of working within Far East markets, staying in Asian countries, knowledge on local reality, languages, cultue.
Besides promoting knowledge on Far East Asia thanks to publication, seminars, workshops, etc., the Foundation provides information and help for Polish institutions and companies willing to start cooperation with Asian partners or set up their business in Far East.

Centrum Studiów Polska-Azja CSPA
Centre for Poland-Asia Studies CSPA
ul. Nowy Świat 27 lok. 1
00-029 Warszawa
e-mail: info@polska-azja.pl, polska-azja.pl@gmail.com
+48 501 292 763

Source of information: www.polska-azja.pl
  • Asian
  • Organizations
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