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Nissenbaum Family Foundation was founded by Sigmund Nissenbaum who was also the first head of the Foundation. The Foundation started to work in 1983 although for formal reasons it was registered two years later - in 1985. The main aim of the Foundation is to preserve traces of Jewish culture in Poland.
Among the aims of the Foundation are: reconstructing of Jewish cemeteries and synagogues and preserving the places connected with the Holocaust.

More information about Zygmunt Nissenbaum and his life can be found [ here ].

Fundacja Rodziny Nissenbaumów
Nissenbaum Family Foundation
21 Gibalskiego St
01-190 Warsaw

Contact details:
tel.: +48 22 838 60 46, +48 22 838 05 74, +48 22 636 73 19
fax: +48 22 838 59 57
mail: fundacja@nissenbaum.pl


Source of information: www.nissenbaum.pl
  • Jewish
  • Organizations
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