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Children of the Holocaust Association (Stowarzyszenie 'Dzieci Holocaustu') is an association of Holocaust survivors who at the outbreak of the Second World War were 13 years of age or younger, or were born during the war. Of those who because of their Jewish origins were targeted for extermination by the Nazi occupiers and were incarcerated in ghettoes, concentration camps or death camps, or had to conceal their identity (Statutes of the Association, Chapter II, 12). The Office of the Association is open:
on Monday and Wednesday from 12.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.
on Tuesday and Thursday from 12.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Stowarzyszenie 'Dzieci Holocaustu'
Children of the Holocaust Association
12/16 Grzybowski Square
00-104 Warsaw

Contact details:
tel./fax: 22 620 82 45
tel.: 22 652 12 20
e-mail: chsurv@jewish.org.pl


Source of information: www.dzieciholocaustu.pl
  • Jewish
  • Organizations
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