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Centre for Easter Studies (Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich) was established in 1990 and its aim is to monitor and analyse the political, economic and social situation in Central and Eastern European countries, the Balkans, the Caucasus and Central Asia. The main research themes of the OSW are:
  • the internal situations and stability of the countries in the area of OSW interests,
  • the systems of power,
  • relations between particular political centres,
  • foreign policies,
  • issues related to NATO and EU enlargement,
  • the ways the states of the region aspire to integrate Western structures,
  • energy supply security,
  • existing and potential conflicts, and other issues pertaining to the security of Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Sources of information
CES analysts use generally available sources of information, of which the most important ones are the Internet, local press and television. CES subscribes over 100 foreign titles. Also important are the experts’ personal trips to the respective countries of their interests, where they meet the local analysts and representatives of the media and administration, and where they observe the situation.
The information thus collected is stored in databases that form one of Central Europe’s largest collections of information on political events taking place in the CES’ area of interests. In Poland, the Centre has the largest collection of periodicals from the countries of the region and a library of publications on the objects of its analyses.

Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich
Centre for Easter Studies (CES)
6A Koszykowa str.

tel.: (+48 22) 525 8000
fax: (+48 22) 525 80 40
e-mail: info@osw.waw.pl


Source of information: http://www.osw.waw.pl
  • East European
  • Central European
  • Caucasian
  • Others
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