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The group, which informal beginnings started at the end of the 1960s but it was in 1975 when Koło Zen (Zen Circle) was established. In 1980 the group was registered in Urząd do Spraw Wyznań as a religious association under the name Związek Buddystów Zen-Sangha (Zen-Sangha Association of Buddhists) and in 1991 the name was changed into Związek Buddystów Zen 'Bodhidharma' (Association of Zen Buddhists 'Bodhidharma') and as the patron of the Association the first patriarch of Zen in China was chosen.
There was opened Zen Centre in 1985 in Falenica near Warsaw which belongs to the Association.

Now the Association is one of Buddhists groups in Poland registered as faith associations in Poland. Its main aim is to create possibilities to practice Buddhism thanks to Dharma (Buddha's teachings).


  • Rosi Philip Kapleau
  • Sensei Sunya Kjolhede from Rochester


To begin practices in the Centre, it is necessary to participate in Zen workshops, which involve a few hour introduction to Zen practices and the introduction consists of a lecture, questions, replies, instructions for meditations, joint meditation and basic information about the Association and further possibilities of participating in activities offered by the Centre.

There take place an evening zazen a few times a week in the Centre. Twice a year - a few day sesin which is a practice of an intensive isolation only with an instructor.

The Main Temple: 
32 Filmowa Str., Falenica

contact details:
el.: 22 872-47-57

E-mail: buddyzmzen@gmail.com 

Bodhidharma na FB

Source of information: www.buddyzm.org
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