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Author: fot. Julia Mieczkowska
Source: www.kontynent-warszawa.pl
The Institute is an organization founded by the Bulgarian government to promote Bulgarian culture in Poland. Basic activities of BIK involve organizing cultural events which Bulgarian artists participate in. Painting and audiovisual art exhibitions tend to take place in Serdika Gallery (32 Świętokrzyska Street). The Institute also runs a library involving the collection of books in Polish and English. There are also organized courses in Bulgarian language.

Institute for Bulgarian Culture
Bułgarski Instytut Kultury (BIK)


33/35 Ujazdowskie Ave

contact details:

The accountancy: +48 22 654 28 48
The secretary: +48 22 620 25 20
fax. 22 620 50 53





Source of information: www.bikpolska.pl
  • Bulgarian
  • Centres of Culture
  • Dance or Language Courses
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