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Author: fot. Julia Mieczkowska
Source: www.kontynent-warszawa.pl

The Jewish Theatre was founded in 1950 thanks to the unit of two theatre groups: from Łódź and Wrocław which performed in the years 1945-1950. In its present building, designed by B. Pniewski, the Theatre is located since 1955.


The Theatre continues the rich tradition of Jewish scenes in middle war period in Poland. The plays are performed in Polish and Yiddish.

Contact details:
tel. (22) 620-62-81 and (22) 620-70-25


Teatr Żydowski im. Estery Racheli i Idy Kamińskiej

Ester Rachel and Ida Kamińska Jewish Theater
12/16 Grzybowski Sq
00-104 Warsaw


Source of information: www.teatr-zydowski.art.pl
  • Jewish
  • Others
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