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The aim of Beit Warszawa Jewish Cultural Association is to bring back to life the tradition of Progressive Judaism whicj was present in Poland before World War II. 'Beit' in Hebrew means 'home'.
Beit Warszawa is a home open to everyone who wishes to participate in building a Progressive Jewish community in Warsaw and, indeed, across Poland. Building a Jewish community means participating in all aspects of Jewish spiritual and cultural life, both in the secular and religious sense. It is also an opportunity to present the character and richness of the modern Jewish thought and culture to the Polish society at large. It is a solution for those who want to live Judaism in the Progressive manner or who wish to broaden their knowledge of Jewish culture and history. Beit Warszawa pursues its mission to revive Progressive Judaism in Poland through the following means:


  • Propagation of the knowledge of Jewish religion, history, tradition and customs
  • Promulgation of Jewish cultural achievements in the Polish society
  • Maintenance of Progressive Jewish traditions
  • Countering manifestations of racism and anti-Semitism
  • Furthering tolerance among the Polish society
  • Supporting cultural and educational initiatives associated with Judaism
  • Participating in the interfaith dialogue

    Beit Warszawa Jewish Cultural Association
    113 Wiertnicza St


    contact details:

    Tel. 022-885-26-38
    Fax. 022-885-89-82





Source of information: www.beit-warszawa.org.pl
  • Jewish
  • Organizations
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